
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก มิถุนายน, 2018
Development of Humane Interpersonal Relationships Kleptsova, Elena Yuryevna; Balabanov, Anton Anatolyevich International Journal of Environmental and Science Education , v11 n4 p2147-2157 2016 The article reflects some theoretical aspects of humanization of interpersonal relationships in the sphere of education. The notion "humanization of interpersonal relationships" is being analyzed. The authors offer a characterization of some parameters of relationships: orientation, modality, valence, intensity, awareness, differentiation, complexity, level of development, width, emotionality, presence of mutual understanding, cognitive identification of the subjects of interaction with each other. Interpersonal relationships have various qualitative characteristics. We can define negative, indifferent and positive interpersonal relationships. According to the authors' comparative and descriptive position, negative type of interpersonal relationships corresponds to inhu