Development of Humane Interpersonal Relationships
Kleptsova, Elena Yuryevna; Balabanov, Anton Anatolyevich
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, v11 n4 p2147-2157 2016
The article reflects some theoretical aspects of humanization of interpersonal relationships in the sphere of education. The notion "humanization of interpersonal relationships" is being analyzed. The authors offer a characterization of some parameters of relationships: orientation, modality, valence, intensity, awareness, differentiation, complexity, level of development, width, emotionality, presence of mutual understanding, cognitive identification of the subjects of interaction with each other. Interpersonal relationships have various qualitative characteristics. We can define negative, indifferent and positive interpersonal relationships. According to the authors' comparative and descriptive position, negative type of interpersonal relationships corresponds to inhumane or egoistic interpersonal relationships, the indifferent type corresponds to neutral interpersonal relationships, and the positive type corresponds to humane interpersonal relationships. We show empirical results of our research of humane interpersonal relationships in the teaching staff of various educational establishments of the Russian Federation.
LOOK Academic Publishers. Knobbelzwaansingel 211 Den Haag 2496LN, Netherlands. Tel: 31-20-217-0912; e-mail:; Web site:

Investigating the Relationship between Effective Communication of Spouse and Father-Child Relationship (Test Pattern Causes to Education Parents)
Ataeifar, Robabeh; Amiri, Sholeh; Ali Nadi, Mohammad
International Education Studies, v9 n7 p98-111 2016
This research is targeted with the plan of father-child model or effective relationship mediating of spouses or investigating attachment style, personality traits, communication skills, and spouses' sexual satisfaction. Based on this, 260 people (father and child) were selected through random sampling method based on share. Participants were tested by relationship between spouses' model questionnaire, adults' attachment style, and communication skill, five factors of personality, sexual satisfaction, and father-child relationship. The relationship of attachment style, personality traits, communication skills, and sexual satisfaction of spouses or the effective relationship of spouses and father-child are clarified through performing structural equation model for test that proposed model was appropriately fitted and father-child relationship is explained and predicted through variables of attachment style, personality traits, communication skills, spouses' sexual satisfaction and mediating variable of spouses' effective relationship. A positive and significant relationship related to spouses' relationship among men accountability, compatibility and communication skills in spousal relationship and a negative and significant relationship is obtained among neuroticism and men-avoidant attachment in spousal relationship and there is also positive significant relationship related to father-child relationship among compatibility and negative significant relationship among anxiety attachment and neuroticism of father is obtained in father-child relationship. it is recommended that for improving family members' relationship, the role and effect kind of effective factors on spouses' relationship and father-child relationship be paid attention and based on proposed model a modification pattern for present defects in marital and parental context can be suggested.
Canadian Center of Science and Education. 1120 Finch Avenue West Suite 701-309, Toronto, ON M3J 3H7, Canada. Tel: 416-642-2606 Ext 206; Fax: 416-642-2608; e-mail:; Web site:
School Leader Relationships: The Need for Explicit Training on Rapport, Trust, and Communication
Lasater, Kara
Journal of School Administration Research and Development, v1 n2 p19-26 Win 2016
An important aspect of school leadership is relationship development, but developing meaningful relationships as a school leader is challenging. School leader relationships are challenged by diverse stakeholder groups, varied contexts, and difficult situations. The complex nature of school leader relationships necessitates explicit training for leaders on relational skills. The purpose of this paper is to provide professional development recommendations for school leaders regarding three aspects of relationships: rapport, trust, and communication. Specific ideas for school leaders regarding how to establish rapport, trust, and effective communication are discussed. Finally, the use of structured role play is discussed as the recommended approach to professional development for school leader relationships.
Principal Research Center, Inc. Peters Business Building Room 385, 5245 N. Backer Avenue m/s PB16, Fresno, CA 93740-8001. Tel: 424-281-4032; e-mail:; Web site:
Is More Always Better? The Curvilinear Relationships between College Student Experiences and Outcomes
Bowman, Nicholas A.; Trolian, Teniell L.
Innovative Higher Education, v42 n5-6 p477-489 Dec 2017



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